Healing of Mind, Body & Soul

insight into the past

About me and my work
Leon Feasey, Dip Hyp Dip Rht
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Regression Therapist
Spirit release Practitioner
Inner Child Therapist
Life Between Lives Practitioner

My Qualifications
Clinical Hypnosis, Fndn
Hypnotherapy Masters, Dip
Group Hypnosis, Dip
Regression Hypnotherapy, Fndn
Regression Therapy, Dip
Advanced, Energy Clearing, Cert
Emotional Freedom Technique, Dip
Spirit Release Therapy, Cert
Life Between Lives, Dip
Inner Child Psychotherapy, Dip
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Cert
Gestalt Therapy, Cert
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Cert
Treatment for Complex PTSD, Cert
Psychoanalysis, Dip
How it started for me
When I was a young boy, I had a deep fascination with who we are and why we were here. Being clairvoyant gave me an insight into death and an understanding of spirit at a young age. As I grew up, I quickly realized that few people shared my comfort with death and spirits, many of them actually feared it to the point of it being detrimental to their comfort and well-being.
I spent my early years trying to share my understanding of the afterlife and death, with the intention of relieving people's fear of being alone, losing loved ones or the scary thought of death being the end. This often set me apart and they labelled me as a bit 'out there.
So, as a young adult wanting to fit in, I suppressed my sensitivity to the spirit world and only shared my thoughts with those who would not mock me.
As the years passed, I studied psychology, Energy healing, the esoteric and spirit communication at every opportunity. Understanding how healing this can be, I decided to learn all I could about metaphysics and the psychology of the human mind.
I joined spiritual development circles and studied extensively in spirit communication, Hypnosis, Regression, psychotherapy and life-between-lives regression.
I trained professionally at the international Past Life Regression Academy.
Its mission is to "teach ways of healing a client's soul". The techniques work on all energetic levels of the mind, body and soul and provide the integration and alignment of energies and full healing by going to the source issue.
In recent years, I have run groups for spiritual development and spirit communication, I also run workshops for Inner journeying and Meditation, Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Regression.
I have a passion to help people on their journey, and I love to share this knowledge with people; I have found it healing and empowering in many ways.
In getting to know my clients, I feel honoured to be part of their journey of discovery and healing, it is very rewarding and I enjoy my work immensely.
I have a comfortable therapy room for groups and one-to-one sessions near Hereford, where I provide a relaxed and professional service.
Video Interviews
This is a 7-minute clip from my interview with Devin from SpirLift. Talking about past lives and life between lives.
This is the full 40-minute interview with Devin from SpirLift. Talking about regression therapy, trauma and how it can be healed.
In my interview with Vishnu, from Ziro Point Healing, we discuss how, Regression therapy, exploring past lives and life between lives brings inner peace and self-acceptance.
In this 2 hour interview with Angie Lathem, from Soul Collective we discuss Soul contracts and karmic relationships, Grief & Loss, what happens when we die and life between lives.
Inner Sight Therapy Room in Weobley

The Evolving Soul
Past lives are varied and rich, with lessons from which we can evolve as souls.
The wide range of challenges that we face serve us well so that we can become wiser, stronger and more loving of ourselves and others.
Like a child learns through experience how to deal with emotions and understand the difference between right and wrong, we too as souls are evolving in the same way, through experiencing many lives. We cannot cheat this school of life, for this would be cheating ourselves. As souls, we cherish these lessons, gaining a deeper understanding through the human experience.
Just as a child would be an incomplete adult if they were to miss out on adolescence, we souls need many different lives to learn from, so that we too can become complete. When you see an arrogant, greedy person succumbing to all their vices, ask yourself
"Where are they on their soul path of learning? "
"What lesson do they still need to understand fully what they are doing? "
When a child snatches a toy from another child and screams "Mine!" in a selfish rage, we do not hold it against them, for we understand the process of maturing from experience. We recognise the need for learning how to deal with our emotions.
As the passing years mature the child,
many lives mature the soul, and it is the bravest of souls that choose a life of oppression or illness, for they have taken on the more advanced class in the school of life.
Leon Feasey 2016

A Soul's Journey
There was a soul whose time had come to take human birth.
And so it went to the great cavern in the infinite void, where all such souls went.
In the cavern, there were hundred's of thousands of souls,
each manifesting as a small blue flame
When it's time came, the Soul stood up and said "My time has come to take human incarnation, for I have work to do, and have lessons to learn.
In my life as a human, I shall need family and loving friends to help me, to love me and nurture me. Who will be my friends and family on earth?"
A ripple flickered across thousands of flames and shortly, a few stood forward and said
"We do not know you, we have not met before and are strangers but being kind and giving love is a pleasant and easy task.
We will be some of your friends and family on earth".
The Soul spoke again and said "And on Earth, I shall need teachers, people to guide me, to correct me and discipline me. Who will be my teachers? "
Again, a ripple went around the assembled flames, and a group came forward and said
" We have known you in other lives, and we have grown to respect and like you;
We will take on the task of being some of your teachers in this life".
And a third time the Soul spoke and said "And on Earth if I am to learn the greatest lessons of all, the lessons of humility, tolerance under provocation,
and to love those who hate me, I shall need enemies;
I need people to hate me, abuse me and do violence against me.
Who will do this for me? Who will be my enemies on Earth? "
There was a long pause in the cavern until at last a small group came forward and said we are your Soul group. We have known and loved you over aeons of time, and your growth and learning are as dear to us as our own;
This is the most delicate and difficult of tasks and if you are to be hurt and abused, it is better done by loving friends.
We will be your enemies on earth.

"When we change the way we look at the world,
the world around us changes."
~ Wayne Dyer~